A Dedicated Member of the Organization

13 August 2023

Engineer Hamideh.jpg

In addition to her engineering career, Engineer Hamideh has been a committed and responsible member of our organisation, contributing her time and efforts to its management and success.

In a series introducing pioneering and exemplary Afghan women:

Engineer Hamideh “Ahmad”

Engineer Hamideh, in addition to her engineering profession, has been an active member of the organization and has responsibly managed programs for the past two years. This week, she successfully embarked on a new role at a major British construction company in London.

Today, even in the Western world where construction companies are still predominantly male-dominated, the presence of a female engineer, especially one born in Afghanistan, is a commendable achievement.

Despite completing her schooling and university studies in Britain, Hamideh has always held a deep love for her homeland and a desire to serve her country. In recent years, she has traveled to her birthplace several times and participated in development programs.

Her special interest lies in designing residential and educational buildings in mountainous regions. She endures many challenges because today, in the land of her ancestors, Khorasan, women/mothers are subjected to severe discrimination and ruthless oppression. Over the past two years, she has made every effort to bring the voices of the suffering women of her country to the ears of the world.

We extend our wishes for continued success to Engineer Hamideh and express our gratitude for her ongoing collaboration with the Persian Speakers’ Assistance Association, even as she bears the weight of her significant professional responsibilities.

On behalf of the leadership group:


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